Carlsberg, Crushed Can Series
![Carlsberg Crushed Can Series by Stefan Filarski](
Deze can is gevonden op het eiland Cyprus in de zomer van 2012. Daarna meegenomen naar Nederland, schoongemaakt en gefotografeerd. Creatief bewerkt in photoshop op een formaat van 250 x 110 cm. Het definitieve werk is uitgedraaid als fine art print en tussen dibond en 3mm perspex gepresenteerd.
This can was found on the eiland of Cyprus in the summer of 2012. Taken back to the Netherlands, cleaned and photographed. Than imported in to photoshop and creatively made into what it is now with a file size of 200 x 150cm The final work is printed on fine art paper and presented between dibond and 3mm perspex.
Original is for sale (1 of 5)
Size original: 150x110cm
Limited, signed and numbered Art Prints for sale
More info (+31) 06 270 86 787 or mail