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Tailor-made Art

If you like my art but their is nothing in the existing collection that you want I can make something especially for you. First you give me a briefing and i will come back with concept sketches. When these are approved I will start working on a more detailed sketch. After getting a ok on this i wil create the unique piece of art just for you. If this sounds good just give me a call or send a e-mail.

Conceptschets Porsche 911 kunstwerk

Or maybe you found a crushed can somewhere and you like me to make a Artwork from this.

I can also make a visual story about your family (see visual, this is what i made for my own family). This is a Artwork where all of the family members give me real input wich wil be used in the Artwork, this could be a drawing our a piece of text.

Tailormade Filarski familie kunstwerk